The best teeth whitening with your dentist


If you’ve been thinking about teeth whitening but are not sure which route to go down then fear not! Your dentist in Upper Heyford has got you covered! We have a couple of great solutions to staining that will get your teeth back to their whiter shades quickly and safely.

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a service we the dentist in Upper Heyford use to lighten and brighten patients’ smiles. It’s super common and has now become even more accessible as the cost has dropped considerably.

The desire for whiter teeth certainly isn’t a new phenomenon with research showing that we’ve been trying to lighten our teeth as far back as the ancient Egyptians who used to grind pastes to place over their teeth to lighten them.

Luckily for you, we’ve come a long way in our whitening methods, and with more and more pressure to flash the Hollywood smiles from our social feeds it’s just as well.

Why do teeth discolour or stain?

There are two main reasons that teeth discolour and stain. The first is age, which let’s be honest is kinda unavoidable. As we get older we lose the density of the enamel which is the protective layer that sits on the top of our teeth. When this layer thins naturally the layers underneath this begin to come through more. Unfortunately, the layer under the enamel is dentin which naturally has a yellowish tint to it and this begins to yellow the overall look of our teeth. The best way to tackle this is to make sure you’re doing all you can to protect your enamel layer. Speak to your dentist in Upper Heyford for top tips on how to do this.

The second type of discolouration is staining and the main causes of this are the foods and drinks we consume and smoking. Coffee, tea, wine, spices, and fruits all contain something called tannins. It is the thing inside food that causes staining. Unfortunately, all these things are things we consume every day and are also delicious and bring lots of happiness to our lives.

Whitening solutions

So here at Heyford Smiles Dental Clinic, we offer two main types of whitening the first being an in-chair procedure where you’ll get whitening in the dentist all in one day. The second is that you’ll have trays made that fit your teeth exactly which you will then insert a bleaching solution into at home. This process is done every night for two weeks and is a slightly more relaxed way of whitening teeth which also means you can use the trays in the future if you want to have a whitening top-up.

After treatment

One thing that’s really important to note is that if you want to keep your teeth white you’re going to make some small adjustments to your lifestyle, especially if you’re a big coffee drinker (like me). Of course, you can whiten your teeth and then not reduce your tannin intake but you just need to be prepared that the results just won’t last as long.

To find out more about the whitening solutions we offer, contact the practice via email or telephone.