Good reasons to be registered with a dentist in Upper Heyford


We must all recognise the need to pay attention to how we care for our teeth and gums. They play a vital role in our daily lives as we carry out activities such as eating food and communicating with others. The standards we enjoy within our oral health and hygiene can often have a significant impact on the health of the rest of our bodies, someone with poor oral health standards may find they are more prone to illness than a person with higher dental hygiene awareness.

We all know that we should brush our teeth twice a day with high-quality toothpaste, as this is the best way to avoid the development of oral health issues that may lead to us spending more time at the dental practice than we would wish. But, this is not the only tool we should use to maintain high standards within our oral health and hygiene, as we all could use some professional help sometimes from a dentist in Upper Heyford.

At Heyford Smiles Dental Clinic we will always try to encourage our patients to engage with our dental professionals on a regular basis, ensuring they attend the practice to undergo their oral health check-ups and receive any dental treatment that they may require. It is our wish to assist each of our patients to gain a high level of oral health that they feel is completely acceptable to them.

The importance of the oral health check-up

Your main reason for visiting our dentist in Upper Heyford should be to undergo your oral health check-ups, as these play a pivotal role in the management of your oral health and hygiene treatment needs.  At these check-ups, you can have your teeth and gums fully examined by our dental professional and the findings recorded in your patient case file before being acted upon.

This check-up time is useful for diagnosing the early development stages of a dental issue, which means that our professionals can then step in and provide treatment with the aim of preventing an issue from worsening. This may help to avoid the need for you to undergo any invasive dental treatments such as a tooth extraction or a filling being placed in a tooth.

If it should be determined that you have complex dental treatment needs then these will be fully discussed with you in a manner that will allow you to fully understand any treatment that is being recommended to you and why our dentist thinks you will benefit from the suggested treatment. The hope is that by working with you and placing you at the heart of your treatment an oral health care plan can be drawn up for you that you feel confident about and that will give you the oral health and hygiene standards that you desire.

As the patient, you should feel that you can have your voice heard and that you can raise any questions or concerns you may have, as an open dialogue between patient and dentist can help to improve the quality of care you receive.

Your oral health

Your oral health and hygiene should be seen as important as they play a key role in your body’s health and wellbeing, which is why it is essential that you look after your teeth and gums by engaging with our dentist in Upper Heyford.

At Heyford Smiles, we want you to enjoy your time whilst in our care.